2025 MTSA Self-Nomination Guidelines

Be sure to review all of the guidelines before submitting your work

Guidelines for Self-Nomination Submissions ONLY:

  • Choose a song from any published musical that you feel best showcases your voice.
  • The song may not exceed one minute from the first note played.
  • This may or may not be one of your song choices for the January 8 submission, that is up to you.
  • Our selectors will be looking for appropriate vocal technique and dynamic acting choices that support the creation of unified characters.
  • Create one video that contains your song and slate
  • Recording instructions and guidelines:
  • Record on your phone or tablet in “portrait” mode so that your torso and head can clearly be seen as you are standing in the frame.
  • Be sure that your phone or tablet is recording you at head-level, so that you are not looking down or up into the camera.
  • Try to have a neutral background, and good lighting facing you. Don’t record with a window or light behind you! You don’t want to film yourself in or as a shadow.
  • Slate as follows: “Hello! My name is ________. Today I will be performing “Song Title” from “Musical Title” Do not mention the name of your school!
  • The performance recording must be presented in one continuous take with NO internal or post-production editing (this includes no adding of graphics such as candidate name or song selection).

*We strongly suggest using live piano accompaniment if possible*


Complete your Submission form by December 22, 2024, including your unlisted YouTube link. Use the link below to submit your work.

Please remember that it must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on December 22, 2024!