Invest in the theatre artists of tomorrow!
Service to the students of Region 1 comes in many forms. For faculty, this may be by submitting a production for inclusion in the Regional Festival, serving as a respondent to shows presented by schools within the region, being a workshop presenter at Festival, serving as a non-voting respondent to student work presented at the Festival, or joining as a member of the Leadership Board. Information on each of these opportunities can be found on the pages within.
Submit your program’s production for consideration by regional respondents and participation in Festival. Production entry fees vary. If this is your school’s first production response, please get in touch with the Regional Chairs, as your first response will be complimentary.
Sign up for a Production Respondent Orientation –
Submit a proposal for a workshop or other interactive event geared towards student development at Festival. We are always seeking talented faculty and professional artists to lead engaging and informative workshops, symposia and presentations that enhance the student learning opportunities of their home institution.
Volunteer as a non-voting Festival Respondent – faculty from within the region are not eligible to serve as a selector for student awards. They may, however, serve as respondents that complement those in the selector role. There are many response opportunities at Festival, so please reach out if you are interested or have questions! [email protected]
Consider a role within Region 1 Leadership – Most Region 1 Leadership Board roles begin with a three-year term as a program area (Irene Ryans, SDC, DTM, etc.) Vice Chair, followed by a three-year term as program area chair. If this timeline is of concern, please note it in your application so we may explore contingencies. In most cases, a part-time affiliation with an educational institution is required.